7 ways to do better social media in 30 min!

7 ways to do better social media in 30 min!

7 ways to do better social media in 30 min!

Are you not in control of social media? Do you constantly feel that you don’t understand something? Do you have nightmares about the lack of likes?

Relax, there is a way. Even busy people can improve their social media channels. You just need to know where to start and what to pay attention to next. I guarantee you that it can be done. But be warned, there are some side effects: suddenly increased traffic and no nightmares about neglected social media.

So here goes. Here we go!

7 ways to have better social media in 30 minutes
1. set identical names on every channel and every account

This is actually the foundation of the basics. You need to allow yourself to be found.

If you use different names, users get lost. Believe it, no one is going to spend an extra minute trying to decipher who is hiding under a particular account. The information must be clear.

For example, if I type “hm” into a Facebook search engine, the brand that everyone knows immediately appears to my eyes. I do not have to look for anything, or guess anything. On another medium, the situation is analogous, so I have no problem identifying the account.

Suppose you have a different name on Facebook, a different name on Instagram. How do you think the same user will find your account on both channels? There’s even a chance that someone will actually observe both, but have no idea at all about their connection. The result? All your image efforts go to nothing, because no one knows whose image you are referring to.

Some people make this mistake, hoping for greater reach in several accounts with different names. But this is a bad strategy in the long run. After all, nobody likes either spam or confusion.

It is also worth remembering not to choose a name similar to another, much larger brand. It will then dominate the search results.

2 – Set an identical profile picture

This is another tip to make identification easier. You should set the same profile picture on each account. For example, our Facebook and Instagram accounts.

We are all – without exception – visual learners. If the same logo appears on every account, the user doesn’t have to wonder if the company definitely had such and such name. He simply sees it and knows that he is looking for that account. He also doesn’t confuse it with others.

3. adjust the size of the graphics

Let’s not kid ourselves, everyone pays attention to the graphics first and then the content. That’s why it’s extremely important that you size your graphics according to the requirements of each channel.

If you don’t keep this in mind, not only are you cutting off your reach, but you’re also sharing poor quality graphics. This is an easy recipe for failure.

Create yourself a separate document with recommended graphic sizes and get going!

For ease of reference, below are recommendations for the most popular social media outlets.


profile photo 170 x 170 px

background photo 828 x 465 px

video in background 820×312 px and 820×462 px (check how to add video in background here)

banner 1200 x 1200 px or 1200 x 628 px


profile picture 110 x 110 px

image in post: square 1080 x 1080 px

image in post: horizontal rectangle 1080 x 600 px

image in post: vertical rectangle 1080 x 1350 px


profile picture at least 400 x 400 px

background photo 1584 x 396 px

banner 646 x 220 px


profile photo 400 x 400 px

background photo 1500 x 500 px

banner 440 x 220 px

4. monitor social media

This activity should be repeated regularly, but I guarantee it’s a matter of a few minutes. What is it about?

Check all mentions of yourself. It’s not only about monitoring the activity under your account, but also about monitoring what’s going on around it (e.g. reviews). Nowadays you can help yourself with special tools (Brand24, SentiOne), but also keep in mind a very basic monitoring, such as reviewing tags.

This way you can not only quickly react to a crisis, but also prevent its escalation. It’s also a way to get good PR.

5. take a look at your content

You need to be honest with yourself. Examine the content you publish and answer yourself one question: would you stay here longer?

Of course, you have to put yourself in the shoes of your average audience/target group. If you publish boring content, nobody will respond to it. You have to convince them with something, e.g. interesting aesthetics, humor, or content ideas.

Above is an example of eye-catching content. Cyrek Events’ Instagram creates a cohesive, modern whole that captures the spirit of the event agency well.

If you’re struggling to come up with ideas for repurposed content, take a sneak peek at the competition. When you look at the better ones, you’ll quickly understand what “sells” and what’s better to let go. Remember, however, that you can never do the same thing dot to dot.

Also keep in mind the type of industry. Experiments don’t work well in every industry. Sometimes it’s best to just go for quality.

6. interact

The golden rule is: don’t be afraid to interact.

You need to have a conversation with your watchers. If they are not very active, reach out to them with a CTA. Ask for their opinion, give them a choice, show interest.

Remember that you need to respond to negative comments as well. This will make you more credible and win the favour of your followers.

How to react to negative comments? You can find out → here.

7. pin the best content

Pinning a post is a unique opportunity to show the user exactly what you want in the first place.


Treat this activity as preparation for making a good first impression. Because in the end, that’s what it’s all about. Once someone comes over an account, they will judge it based on the first content they see. Make it the best content possible!

Not sure what would be a good choice? Fortunately, the options are many. It can range from an informational post, such as one about a partnership with a new brand, to a promotional post where you encourage people to read an interesting article.

And if you have a little more time than 30 minutes, check out how to engage users on Instagram. You definitely won’t regret it!

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