LinkedIn Ads Tips & Tricks on How to Get the Most Out of Your LinkedIn Ads

With the ever-growing LinkedIn platform, posting your content can sometimes feel like you’re shouting in the void. We understand that for sure; that’s why we recommend that you try advertising on LinkedIn so that your brand’s voice will be heard among its target audience. Not just any kind of audience, though, but an audience filled with influential decision-makers that will add value to your business.

Fun fact; do you know that out of the millions of LinkedIn users, at least four out of five members can significantly impact a business?

In this guide, we will teach you a couple of ways to use LinkedIn ads to promote your business, increase the amount of traffic on your website, generate fresh leads and do so much more. You will also learn the various types of available ads and set the right goals that will help you achieve all you have outlined.

We will start with the types of LinkedIn ads that are available.


LinkedIn Ads

There are four ad placement options that you can choose from on LinkedIn. Some of which include;

The Sponsored Content ads

The sponsored content type of advertisement is also known as native ads, and it’s the type of advertisement that pops up on the feed of your LinkedIn target audience regardless of whether the scrolling through or not. You can quickly spot the difference between these ads from the regular type because LinkedIn will label all in this format as “promoted.”

The Sponsored Messaging ads

The Sponsored Messaging type of advertisement was initially referred to as Sponsored InMail, and it gives you the privilege to directly advertise to LinkedIn users in their message box. Note; there is a limited number of members that you can advertise to each month. Another thing you will need to know is that your target audience will not receive your advertisement more than twice within a specific period.

A study that was carried out to determine the effectiveness of this ads strategy showed that 89% of customers want businesses to stay in touch through this medium – on the other hand, only about 48% of companies prefer to keep in touch with customers through this channel.

The only Text Ads

This type of advertisement is usually displayed along the top right corner of LinkedIn’s desktop feed. They are the ideal option to choose if you want to generate strong leads with an expert demographic. About 58% of marketers have concluded that text ads have helped them improve lead generation and achieved their marketing goals. This type of advertisement is one sure way to case a large net on a sizeable working budget.

The Dynamic LinkedIn Ads

What this type of advertisement does is that it speaks directly to your prospects through personalization. The moment an ad of this nature pops up on the feed of a LinkedIn member, details like their photo, the name of the employer, and job title will be revealed to them. Not everyone will be okay with this, however. If you find it too personal, you have the option to edit your setting to exclude personal details.


It’s vital to know that LinkedIn uses objective-based advertising that assists advertisers while building their ad campaigns around their set goals.

Below are three stages of a sales channel that businesses can follow to create more awareness and convert leads.

LinkedIn Awareness ads

If you definitely want your brand to be on the lips and in the hearts of your prospects, then you should opt for the awareness ad. This is one ad that will surely get your audience to preach about your brand, products, and services. LinkedIn’s awareness ad will help you acquire new followers, increase the number of views your post receives and stimulate greater engagement.

LinkedIn Consideration ads

If you will like to get quality leads, then this is the ad you should opt for. This is also of the ads that were optimized to assist advertisers to meet targets such as the following;

Website traffic:

This type of ad will undoubtedly help you get more traffic on your website and landing pages.


It will also increase the number of likes, comments, and shares that you will receive on other social media platforms, blogs, and other websites.

An increased video views:

Here you will get the chance to share your business story, any of your latest products through videos.

Conversion ads on LinkedIn

Conversion ads should be considered when you want to generate leads or drive home a sale.

Conversion advertisement can help meet these three objectives:

Lead generation

With the LinkedIn generation tool, you can gain quality leads using pre-filled forms through LinkedIn’s data profile.

Job applicants

You can use the job applicants strategy to let a massive number of people be aware of the latest job opening in your company.

Website conversions

You can get to inspire your prospects to download an EBook or any other educational material, newsletter sign up or buy a product from your brand through this strategy.


There are ten different ad formats that you can pick from to help meet whatever standard that you have set for your business.

They are as follows;

Carousel ads

This type of ad uses a row of cards that can be swiped to help tell your brand’s story. It can be used to showcase products and share different insights on several topics. The take-home point from all of this is that a visual solid is required to target the audience consistently swipe to learn more.

LinkedIn Conversation ads

The LinkedIn conversation ads offer what we will like to call the choose-your-own-path experience for your prospects.

How these very ad works are giving your target audience to choose a response that resonates the most with them when you start a conversation. You can also use the LinkedIn conversation ad to showcase your products, services, events while encouraging webinar signups and so on.

The LinkedIn Follower ads

This is a dynamic ad that is personalized specifically for your prospects. The LinkedIn Follower Ad promotes the LinkedIn page of your brand to others to be motivated enough to hit the follow button.

LinkedIn Spotlight ads

What this very type of ad does is that it puts the spotlight on what your brand has to offer, such as its products, content, services, etc. when your prospects get to click on ads like this, they will be immediately redirected to your website or the landing page of your brand.

The LinkedIn Job ads

This type of ad is often referred to as the work with us ads, and it brags of getting up to 50x higher click rates from your target audience than the average recruitment ad.

LinkedIn Lead gen forms

This is one advertising medium that will help you generate more quality leads for your brand and is available for both sponsored content and message ads.

Let’s say you’re trying to host a webinar, and you can directly connect your CTA to a lead gen form. Once the connection has been established, the profile data of your target audience will be automatically added. Later on, you can download your leads through the Linked ads manager tool. You can also integrate LinkedIn in such a way that it will work with your own CRM.

The LinkedIn Message ads

With LinkedIn Message ads, you can now send messages directly to your prospects’ inbox through a CTA. It can also give your website a massive burst of traffic, increase engagement and conversations, and generate more leads for your brand.

LinkedIn Single image ads

This type of ad usually appears on the home page of LinkedIn and often takes the appearance of a regular content post. The only difference between it and the standard content post is that it’s paid for, and the word “promoted” will be displayed on it to distinguish it from the rest of the unpaid content.

The LinkedIn Single job ads

The LinkedIn single job ad increases your chance to promote your products directly in the newsfeed of your target audience. If you have strived to find the right candidate for a while, you should opt for this ad. They also increase the average click of your ad by 35%.

LinkedIn Video ads

Last but not least is the LinkedIn video ads, and these are one ad that enables you to get creative as you can. At the same time, promoting thought leadership, unveil a new product to your prospects, highlight your customer experience, showcase your company culture, and so much more. Rather than tell your brand story, you can go the extra mile to show it.


With this LinkedIn Ads Guide, you now have a better knowledge of the various LinkedIn ads that you can choose from to give your brand massive visibility before its target audience.

LinkedIn Ads

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