Google SEO score Rank for Blog Post

What is the  Google SEO Score Rank

An SEO score checker measures how well your Blog Post performs across a number of key SEO factors like meta tags, readability, links, content etc. and technical setup.  The higher the score, the more likely your Blog Post are to rank better on Google and other search engines. The better you rank, the more organic traffic you’ll drive to your Blog.

How Content Analysis Tests Are Color-Coded?

Green Circle: A Green circle means you’ve passed SEO factors.
Yellow Circle: If you see the color Yellow on a test, that means your post isn’t optimized for the test, and you should spend some time fixing it.
Red Circle: If you see a Red Circle icon, then that means your post has performed poorly on this test. We recommend that you optimize the content before you publish it to maximize the chances of rankings and traffic.
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