Company page on LinkedIn – how to maintain and promote it?

Company page on LinkedIn - how to maintain and promote it?

Company page on LinkedIn – how to maintain and promote it?

As of May this year, LinkedIn already has more than 600 million users and that number is growing. It is a huge base of potential employees, customers and business partners. Maintaining a company page on LinkedIn is therefore a good idea. But how to do it well and is there really a point?

Company page – why is it worth it?
There are currently more than 30 million company pages on LinkedIn. This is a large number. Company pages from industries such as IT software and services, finance, non-profit organizations, construction, media and communication, education, real estate have the greatest potential. These are the industries that have the most representatives on LinkedIn.

If you are not already using this communication channel, you are missing out on a lot. A company page on LinkedIn can:

establish your company’s position in the market,
increase brand awareness,
build brand image as a professional company (by sharing engaging content and valuable articles),
generate leads,
attract new customers.
Additionally, a well-run company page on LinkedIn is a great alternative to a Facebook fanpage. This is valuable information for brands that, for some reason, don’t find their way on this site.

How do I create a company page on LinkedIn?
You can only create a company page on LinkedIn from your personal profile. To do this, click on the “Products” tab (in the upper right corner) and then go to the very bottom of the panel. This is where you will find the “Create a Company Page” option.

After clicking on this option, you will be asked to specify the type of site. You can choose between: small business, medium and large business, brand site, educational institution.

Then you need to fill in the basic information about the site and that’s pretty much it. If the company page does not create for some reason, there are two options. Either your email address is not associated with your LinkedIn account (you must then verify it), or your account does not have enough contacts.

Optimizing your company page
Just creating a company page on LinkedIn is only the beginning. The next step is optimization. It should not be ignored or done piecemeal. A well-optimized company page will simply attract and retain more people.

1. avatar and cover photo – keep in mind that graphics should be customized for LinkedIn. You need to be mindful especially with the background photo. It is much wider than the cover photo e.g. on Facebook.

2. company description – avoid clichéd phrases that can be attributed to any company (e.g. “We are a leader in…”) and long information that adds nothing. Start and end with specifics, but be sure to keep it unique.

Specialties – you can add 20 specialties of the company. You should treat them as keywords, so ideally use all 20 items. This will help you show up more often in LinkedIna searches.

4. Fill in the necessary information – a good company page should be simply filled in. Above all, make sure you have the correct website address on it.

Add more administrators – More administrators are a safeguard against losing your profile (similar to Facebook). The new admin must be your contact.

Promoting your company page on LinkedIn
There are several ways to promote a company page on LinkedIn. However, you need to answer some questions at the very beginning. Fortunately, you should know the answers to these if you have conducted any promotional activities for your company.

You need to determine:

The target audience and its interests,
the effectiveness of previous activities (what works, what doesn’t and what might work on LinkedIn ← e.g. based on competitors’ activities),
the strategy of the planned activities,
the frequency of adding content and the type of content.
If you plan your future activities well, with all this information in the back of your mind, your company website should be successful, although of course everything over time. However, this time can be shortened by advertising.

You can run various advertising campaigns on LinkedIn. Their effectiveness depends primarily on the industry and strategy. They are not a necessity, although they can work. The available ad formats on LinkedIna are:

text advertising,
single image ad,
Ads to gain followers,
job advertisement,
advertisement in a message.
Each of these ads has a slightly different mechanism of action and displays in a different place. However, this is not a guide to ads on Linkedin, so I will leave it at that. I’ll just emphasize that ads are unnecessary if you care about a company page that engages in a “natural” way – it’s the one strategy that will always stand up for itself.

Generating leads on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is a great place to generate leads. According to Kylie Chown, whose article you can find on Social Media Examiner, there are just 5 steps to generating leads on LinkedIn.

1. a description of the company that proves its qualifications
The description should prove that you understand your customer’s problem and can solve it. It is worth ending it with a call to action.

2. valuable content
You should share content that proves your company is an expert.

3. communication to turn the recipient into a customer
You need to ensure that all messages are personalized and contextualized. Avoid stiffness.

4. Keep track of special occasions
Birthdays, anniversaries, promotions – these are occasions that you should use to build engagement.

5. sales scenarios
It’s a good idea to create mini scenarios that will remind you of the purpose of networking, which is to acquire a customer (and usually their details, such as an email address). These are not meant to be templates, but important aids to ensure the conversation leaves LinkedIn.

Regular activity
A company page where nothing happens is a dead page. Even the best personalization is no substitute for regular, valuable posts. Don’t worry, you don’t have to (or should) only share your knowledge in exhaustive articles. Other ideas for company website content include:

graphics and infographics,
product and service information,
the latest industry news,
behind-the-scenes work,
expert commentaries,
case studies.
Finally, one more thing – monitor your website. After some time you will notice what works for you and what is better to let go.

Company page on LinkedIn - how to maintain and promote it?

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