6 moms who blog – and how they make it work!

6 moms who blog – and how they make it work!

6 moms who blog – and how they make it work!

There are a lot of moms out there who blog, and they all have different ways of making it work for them. Some have full-time jobs and blog on the side, while others are stay-at-home moms who blog as their main job. Either way, these six moms have figured out how to make it work for them – and they’re here to share their secrets with you! 1. Find your niche. One of the best ways to be successful as a mom blogger is to find your niche. What are you passionate about? What do you have to offer that other mom bloggers don’t? Once you’ve found your niche, stick to it and build a following of other like-minded moms. 2. Set a schedule – and stick to it. One of the biggest challenges of being a mom blogger is finding the time to actually blog. If you have a full-time job or other obligations, it can be hard to carve out time to sit down and write. That’s why it’s important to set a schedule and stick to it. Whether you can only blog once a week or you have time for multiple posts per week

1. How these 6 moms manage to blog while raising a family

There are a lot of moms out there who are also bloggers. They manage to do both by being organized and disciplined with their time. Here are six tips on how they make it work:

1. They have a schedule and stick to it

The most successful mom bloggers have a schedule and they stick to it. This means that they make time for blogging, even if it’s just an hour or two a day. By being consistent with their posting, they’re able to grow their audience and continue to produce quality content.

2. They delegate and ask for help

In order to be successful at blogging and parenting, mom bloggers know when to delegate and ask for help. Whether it’s hiring a babysitter so they can have some alone time to write or asking their partner to take on more household duties, they’re not afraid to ask for help when they need it.

3. They use technology to their advantage

Mom bloggers are tech savvy and use technology to their advantage. From using social media to promote their blog to using scheduling tools to help them stay on track, they know how to use the latest and greatest technology to help them in their blogging journey.

4. They outsource when necessary

There are some tasks that mom bloggers just don’t have time for, so they outsource them to others. This could be anything from hiring a virtual assistant to help with social media to using a service to help with blog design. By outsourcing, they’re able to focus on the tasks that they’re good at and that they enjoy.

5. They take breaks when needed

Even the most disciplined mom bloggers need a break from time to time. When they’re feeling overwhelmed or burnt out, they take a step back and take some time for themselves. This could be anything from taking a nap to reading a book to going for a walk. By taking breaks, they’re able to come back to their blog refreshed and ready to create great content.

6. They have a support system

Last but not least, mom bloggers have a great support system. Whether it

2. What motivates them to keep blogging

There are a lot of reasons why people blog, but for moms who blog, there are some unique motivations. Here are six moms who blog and why they keep doing it:

1. To stay connected to their kids.

For some moms, blogging is a way to stay connected to their kids, even when they’re not around. They can share photos and stories about their day-to-day lives, and their kids can see what’s going on even when they’re not able to be there in person.

2. To document their kids’ childhoods.

For other moms, blogging is a way to document their kids’ childhoods. They can write about all the milestones and everyday moments that they want to remember, and their kids will be able to read it all back when they’re grown up.

3. To connect with other moms.

Blogging can be a great way for moms to connect with other moms who are going through the same thing. They can find support and advice, and make friends who understand what they’re going through.

4. To share their experiences.

For some moms, blogging is a way to share their experiences with other people. They might write about their journey through motherhood, or about a particular challenge they’re facing. By sharing their experiences, they can help other moms who might be going through the same thing.

5. To get their creative juices flowing.

For some moms, blogging is a creative outlet. They might use their blog to write stories, share photos, or just document their thoughts and feelings. It’s a great way to keep their creative juices flowing, and to express themselves in a way that they might not be able to otherwise.

6. To make money.

For some moms, blogging is a way to make money. They might use their blog to promote products, services, or affiliate links. Or they might sell advertising space on their blog. Whatever the case, they’re using their blog to generate income, which can be a great motivation to keep blogging.

3. What challenges they face when blogging and raising a family

6 moms who blog – and how they make it work!

There’s no denying that being a parent is one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have. But it’s also one of the most challenging. And for parents who also happen to be bloggers, the challenges can be even greater.

For one thing, there’s the matter of finding the time to blog. Between taking care of the kids and running the household, it can be hard enough to find time for a shower, let alone sit down and write a blog post.

And then there are the challenges that come with trying to maintain a personal life while also being a parent. It’s not always easy to find the energy or the babysitter for a date night when you’ve been up all night with a crying baby.

But despite all the challenges, there are plenty of parents who are successfully blogging and raising a family. Here are six of them and the strategies they’ve used to make it work.

1. Find a balance that works for you

One of the most important things for a parent-blogger to do is to find a balance that works for them. For some, that might mean blogging during the day while the kids are in school or daycare. For others, it might mean getting up early in the morning to write before the family wakes up.

The important thing is to find a schedule that works for you and your family. If you try to force yourself into a blogging schedule that doesn’t fit with your lifestyle, it’s likely that you’ll end up feeling stressed and resentful.

2. Make use of naptime

If you have young children, you know that naptime is a precious commodity. And for parent-bloggers, it can be a lifesaver.

Naptime is the perfect time to get some blogging done. You can use the time to write posts, respond to comments, or even just take a few minutes to brainstorm ideas.

3. Don’t be afraid to outsource

One of the best ways to make time for blogging is to outsource some of the other tasks in

4. How they manage to find time to blog

“6 moms who blog – and how they make it work!”

We all know how tough it is to be a mom – especially a working mom. So how do some moms manage to find the time to blog on top of everything else? Here are six working moms who blog, and how they make it work!

1. Find a blogging schedule that works for you

One of the most important things you can do when you’re trying to blog as a working mom is to find a blogging schedule that works for you. For some moms, that means carving out time each day to sit down and write. Others prefer to batch their writing and only sit down to blog a few times a week.

No matter what your schedule looks like, the important thing is to find a rhythm that works for you and that you can stick to. If you try to force yourself into a writing schedule that doesn’t work for your lifestyle, you’re likely to burn out quickly.

2. Get creative with your content

One of the best ways to save time when you’re blogging is to get creative with your content. If you can find ways to repurpose your content, you’ll be able to get more mileage out of each post.

For example, you can turn a blog post into a podcast episode, or create a video from a popular blog post. You can also break a longer post up into a series of smaller posts. There are endless possibilities when it comes to repurposing your content – so get creative!

3. Leverage guest posts

Another great way to save time when you’re blogging is to leverage guest posts. If you can find other bloggers who are willing to write for your site, you can take a break from writing from time to time.

Not only will this give you a break from writing, but it can also help to mix things up on your site and give your readers some new perspectives. Just be sure to vet your guest writers carefully to make sure they’re a good fit for your site.

4. Automate what you can

There are a

5. What advice they would give other moms who want to start blogging

There are many reasons why mothers might want to start blogging. For some, it’s a way to connect with other mothers and share advice and stories. For others, it’s a way to document their children’s lives and create a keepsake for future generations. And for some, it’s simply a way to express themselves and share their thoughts and experiences with the world.

If you’re a mother who is thinking about starting a blog, here are five pieces of advice from moms who blog – and how they make it work!

1. Find Your Niche

One of the best pieces of advice for mothers who want to start blogging is to find their niche. There are so many blogs out there, and it can be overwhelming to try and figure out how to make yours stand out. But if you focus on a specific topic or niche, it will be easier to attract readers who are interested in what you have to say.

2. Be Consistent

Another important piece of advice for mothers who want to start blogging is to be consistent. When it comes to blogging, consistency is key. If you only post sporadically, it will be hard to build a following. But if you commit to posting regularly, your readers will know when to expect new content from you, and they’ll be more likely to stick around.

3. Engage With Your Readers

When you’re a mother who blogs, it’s important to engage with your readers. Don’t just post your thoughts and experiences and then disappear – take the time to respond to comments and questions, and create a community of mothers who can support and encourage each other.

4. Be Patient

One final piece of advice for mothers who want to start blogging is to be patient. Building a successful blog takes time, and there will be ups and downs along the way. But if you stick with it, you’ll eventually see the fruits of your labor.

5. Have Fun!

Last but not least, remember to have fun! Blogging can be a lot of work, but it should also

6. What they love about blogging

There are a lot of great things about being a mom blogger. For one, you get to share your unique perspective on motherhood with the world. You also get to connect with other moms who can relate to what you’re going through. And, of course, it’s a great way to make some extra money.

But what do mom bloggers love most about blogging? We asked six of them to weigh in.

“I love that blogging has allowed me to connect with so many other moms,” says Jennifer Girod of The Suburban Jungle. “It’s nice to know you’re not alone in this crazy parenting journey.”

Girod also appreciates the flexibility that comes with being a mom blogger. “I can set my own hours and work from home, which is a huge perk when you have young kids,” she says.

For Jillian Harris of Jillian Harris Home, the best part of blogging is the opportunity to be creative. “I get to be really creative with my content and my voice, and I love that,” she says.

But creativity isn’t the only thing Harris loves about blogging. She also appreciates the fact that it allows her to connect with other moms. “I love the community of mom bloggers,” she says. “It’s so supportive and inspiring.”

For Katie Bower of Bower Power, the best part of blogging is the opportunity to help other moms. “I love being able to share my tips and tricks with other moms who might be struggling with the same things I’ve struggled with,” she says.

Bower also appreciates the fact that blogging has allowed her to connect with other moms from all over the world. “I’ve made some amazing friends through blogging,” she says. “It’s really nice to have a community of supportive women to lean on.”

For Whitney Barthel of Polka Dot Chair, the best part of blogging is the opportunity to be her own boss.

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